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Contact: Mr. Yang
Mobile: 13590392566 (micro signal)
Landline number: 0755-23010623
QQ number: 1835714286
E-mail: 1835714286@qq.com
Production Address (Shenzhen): Shengdian Industrial Park, Jiazitang Avenue, Guangming New District, Shenzhen
Production Address (Huizhou): Shengdian Furniture Factory, Linwu Village, Yuanzhou Town, Boluo County, Huizhou City

Augmented reality technology makes the scene more realistic and widely used

Augmented reality technology makes the scene more realistic and widely used

AR technology can be used in the workplace, but also for entertainment purposes only. Factory workers can learn a new machine with a set of hands-on tutorials, ...

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Technology giants facial recognition face sweep people face every day into the norm

Technology giants facial recognition face sweep people face every day into the n...

Chinese technology giants are rushing to develop facial recognition technology, and actively promote its commercial use. These Chinese companies are clearly mor...

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